
Thursday, January 6, 2011

"Get Over It!"

Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.

Have you had one of those days, weeks or months when it seems that someone in your life has wronged you? Are you feeling angry and resentful as a result of a conversation or a slight by another (family, friend, co-worker, or stranger)?
Do you find that you spend more time than you would like mentally reviewing the conversations, the situation, or the history with this person? Or do you talk about it with others and perhaps even plan what you might say or do to this person? Does the situation seem to consume your waking thoughts or dreams? Should you do something about it? The answer to these questions is that it depends on whether or not you want your life back and your well being restored.
Why should you let go of the resentments? Because they hold you back from your own happiness, peace of mind and success. Any resentment that you hold keeps you handcuffed to that person.
A person recently shared a quote with me that I found to be most poignant, "Holding on to resentments and carrying a grudge is like taking poison and then waiting for the other person to die."
What can you do to get beyond the feelings that are holding you prisoner and poisoning your sense of well being? The answer is simple, but not easy. It is to just GET OVER IT!
At some point you have to let it go. Stewing over the situation will do nothing other than keep you boiling mad and, ultimately, burned out. So what are the simple, but not so easy steps?
  1. Make a decision! That is right; make a decision that you will not live your life poisoning yourself with thoughts of anger and resentment.
  2. Extract the lesson. Figure out the lesson that you can learn from this situation and then keep the lesson, but throw away the experience. 
  3. Forgive - the other person and yourself! Forgiveness is the key to the handcuffs that are binding the two of you together. By forgiving or giving up the need to be angry, resentful, and feeling like a victim, you free yourself from the emotional snarls that keep you tied up in emotional knots. 
Get over it! This includes not discussing it with others. Every time that you do, you will have to have to return to steps 1 thru 3. Frankly, there have been situations that I found so inflammatory and hurtful that I had to repeat steps 1 thru 3 many, many times until I could let it go and get over it.

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